Update tzdb

ThreeTen-Backport contains a set of time-zone information independent of the JDK. This can be updated when time-zone rules change. There are two ways to update the data.

Build separate tzdb.jar

The first option is to build a standalone tzdb file. The generated jar file is added to the classpath in addition to the standard threetenbp.jar file.

  1. Clone the source repository from GitHub
  2. Download the latest rearguard time zone data
  3. Extract and copy the rearguard files from tzdata{tzdb-version}-rearguard.dir to the folder src/tzdb/{tzdb-version} inside the threetenbp source
  4. Run the maven command mvn clean package -Dtzdb-jar
  5. Add the resulting tzdb-{version}.jar file in the target folder to your classpath (ignore the tadb-all.jar file)

This is the preferred approach as it separates the tzdb data from released code.

Rebuild threetenbp.jar

The second option is to rebuild the main threetenbp.jar file. The generated jar file will replace the standard threetenbp.jar file.

  1. Clone the source repository from GitHub
  2. Download the latest rearguard time zone data
  3. Extract and copy the rearguard files from tzdata{tzdb-version}-rearguard.dir to the folder src/tzdb/{tzdb-version} inside the threetenbp source
  4. Change the version number in the maven pom to indicate it is your unoffical build
  5. Run the maven command mvn clean compile
  6. Run the maven command mvn package -Dtzdb-update
  7. Use the resulting threetenbp.jar file in the target folder

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Version: 1.6.10-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-04-16.

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