Class Seconds

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Seconds>, TemporalAmount

    public final class Seconds
    extends Object
    implements TemporalAmount, Comparable<Seconds>, Serializable
    A second-based amount of time, such as '8 seconds'.

    This class models a quantity or amount of time in terms of seconds. It is a type-safe way of representing a number of seconds in an application. Note that Duration also models time in terms of seconds, but that class allows nanoseconds, which this class does not.

    The model is of a directed amount, meaning that the amount may be negative.

    Implementation Requirements:

    This class is immutable and thread-safe.

    This class must be treated as a value type. Do not synchronize, rely on the identity hash code or use the distinction between equals() and ==.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final Seconds ZERO
        A constant for zero seconds.
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Seconds of​(int seconds)
        Obtains a Seconds representing a number of seconds.

        The resulting amount will have the specified seconds.

        seconds - the number of seconds, positive or negative
        the number of seconds, not null
      • ofHours

        public static Seconds ofHours​(int hours)
        Obtains a Seconds representing the number of seconds equivalent to a number of hours.

        The resulting amount will be second-based, with the number of seconds equal to the number of hours multiplied by 3600.

        hours - the number of hours, positive or negative
        the amount with the input hours converted to seconds, not null
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • ofMinutes

        public static Seconds ofMinutes​(int minutes)
        Obtains a Seconds representing the number of seconds equivalent to a number of hours.

        The resulting amount will be second-based, with the number of seconds equal to the number of minutes multiplied by 60.

        minutes - the number of minutes, positive or negative
        the amount with the input minutes converted to seconds, not null
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • from

        public static Seconds from​(TemporalAmount amount)
        Obtains an instance of Seconds from a temporal amount.

        This obtains an instance based on the specified amount. A TemporalAmount represents an amount of time, which may be date-based or time-based, which this factory extracts to a Seconds.

        The result is calculated by looping around each unit in the specified amount. Each amount is converted to seconds using Temporals.convertAmount(long, java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit, java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit). If the conversion yields a remainder, an exception is thrown. If the amount is zero, the unit is ignored.

        amount - the temporal amount to convert, not null
        the equivalent amount, not null
        DateTimeException - if unable to convert to a Seconds
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • parse

        public static Seconds parse​(CharSequence text)
        Obtains a Seconds from a text string such as PTnS.

        This will parse the string produced by toString() and other related formats based on ISO-8601 PnDTnHnMnS.

        The string starts with an optional sign, denoted by the ASCII negative or positive symbol. If negative, the whole amount is negated. The ASCII letter "P" is next in upper or lower case. There are four sections consisting of a number and a suffix. There is one section for days suffixed by "D", followed by one section for hours suffixed by "H", followed by one section for minutes suffixed by "M", followed by one section for seconds suffixed by "S". At least one section must be present. If the hours, minutes or seconds section is present it must be prefixed by "T". If the hours, minutes or seconds section is omitted the "T" must be omitted. Letters must be in ASCII upper or lower case. The number part of each section must consist of ASCII digits. The number may be prefixed by the ASCII negative or positive symbol. The number must parse to an int.

        The leading plus/minus sign, and negative values for days, hours, minutes and seconds are not part of the ISO-8601 standard.

        For example, the following are valid inputs:

           "PT2S"            -- Seconds.of(2)
           "PT-2S"           -- Seconds.of(-2)
           "-PT2S"           -- Seconds.of(-2)
           "-PT-2S"          -- Seconds.of(2)
           "PT3S"            -- Seconds.of(3 * 60)
           "PT3H-2M7S"       -- Seconds.of(3 * 3600 - 2 * 60 + 7)
           "P2D"             -- Seconds.of(2 * 86400)
           "P2DT3H"          -- Seconds.of(2 * 86400 + 3 * 3600)
        text - the text to parse, not null
        the parsed period, not null
        DateTimeParseException - if the text cannot be parsed to a period
      • between

        public static Seconds between​(Temporal startInclusive,
                                      Temporal endExclusive)
        Obtains a Seconds consisting of the number of seconds between two temporals.

        The start temporal is included, but the end temporal is not. The result of this method can be negative if the end is before the start.

        startInclusive - the start temporal, inclusive, not null
        endExclusive - the end temporal, exclusive, not null
        the number of seconds between the start and end temporals, not null
      • get

        public long get​(TemporalUnit unit)
        Gets the value of the requested unit.

        This returns a value for the supported unit - SECONDS. All other units throw an exception.

        Specified by:
        get in interface TemporalAmount
        unit - the TemporalUnit for which to return the value
        the long value of the unit
        UnsupportedTemporalTypeException - if the unit is not supported
      • getUnits

        public List<TemporalUnit> getUnits()
        Gets the set of units supported by this amount.

        The single supported unit is SECONDS.

        This set can be used in conjunction with get(TemporalUnit) to access the entire state of the amount.

        Specified by:
        getUnits in interface TemporalAmount
        a list containing the seconds unit, not null
      • getAmount

        public int getAmount()
        Gets the number of seconds in this amount.
        the number of seconds
      • isNegative

        public boolean isNegative()
        Checks if the amount is negative.
        true if the amount is negative, false if the amount is zero or positive
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero()
        Checks if the amount is zero.
        true if the amount is zero, false if not
      • isPositive

        public boolean isPositive()
        Checks if the amount is positive.
        true if the amount is positive, false if the amount is zero or negative
      • plus

        public Seconds plus​(TemporalAmount amountToAdd)
        Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount added.

        The parameter is converted using from(TemporalAmount).

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        amountToAdd - the amount to add, not null
        a Seconds based on this instance with the requested amount added, not null
        DateTimeException - if the specified amount contains an invalid unit
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • plus

        public Seconds plus​(int seconds)
        Returns a copy of this amount with the specified number of seconds added.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        seconds - the amount of seconds to add, may be negative
        a Seconds based on this instance with the requested amount added, not null
        ArithmeticException - if the result overflows an int
      • minus

        public Seconds minus​(TemporalAmount amountToSubtract)
        Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount subtracted.

        The parameter is converted using from(TemporalAmount).

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        amountToSubtract - the amount to subtract, not null
        a Seconds based on this instance with the requested amount subtracted, not null
        DateTimeException - if the specified amount contains an invalid unit
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • minus

        public Seconds minus​(int seconds)
        Returns a copy of this amount with the specified number of seconds subtracted.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        seconds - the amount of seconds to add, may be negative
        a Seconds based on this instance with the requested amount subtracted, not null
        ArithmeticException - if the result overflows an int
      • multipliedBy

        public Seconds multipliedBy​(int scalar)
        Returns an instance with the amount multiplied by the specified scalar.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        scalar - the scalar to multiply by, not null
        the amount multiplied by the specified scalar, not null
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • dividedBy

        public Seconds dividedBy​(int divisor)
        Returns an instance with the amount divided by the specified divisor.

        The calculation uses integer division, thus 3 divided by 2 is 1.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        divisor - the amount to divide by, may be negative
        the amount divided by the specified divisor, not null
        ArithmeticException - if the divisor is zero
      • negated

        public Seconds negated()
        Returns an instance with the amount negated.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        the negated amount, not null
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs, which only happens if the amount is Long.MIN_VALUE
      • abs

        public Seconds abs()
        Returns a copy of this duration with a positive length.

        This method returns a positive duration by effectively removing the sign from any negative total length.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        the absolute amount, not null
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs, which only happens if the amount is Long.MIN_VALUE
      • toDuration

        public Duration toDuration()
        Gets the number of seconds as a Duration.

        This returns a duration with the same number of seconds.

        the equivalent duration, not null
      • addTo

        public Temporal addTo​(Temporal temporal)
        Adds this amount to the specified temporal object.

        This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input with this amount added.

        In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using

           // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
           dateTime = thisAmount.addTo(dateTime);
           dateTime =;

        Only non-zero amounts will be added.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        Specified by:
        addTo in interface TemporalAmount
        temporal - the temporal object to adjust, not null
        an object of the same type with the adjustment made, not null
        DateTimeException - if unable to add
        UnsupportedTemporalTypeException - if the SECONDS unit is not supported
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • subtractFrom

        public Temporal subtractFrom​(Temporal temporal)
        Subtracts this amount from the specified temporal object.

        This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input with this amount subtracted.

        In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using Temporal.minus(TemporalAmount).

           // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
           dateTime = thisAmount.subtractFrom(dateTime);
           dateTime = dateTime.minus(thisAmount);

        Only non-zero amounts will be subtracted.

        This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

        Specified by:
        subtractFrom in interface TemporalAmount
        temporal - the temporal object to adjust, not null
        an object of the same type with the adjustment made, not null
        DateTimeException - if unable to subtract
        UnsupportedTemporalTypeException - if the SECONDS unit is not supported
        ArithmeticException - if numeric overflow occurs
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Seconds otherAmount)
        Compares this amount to the specified Seconds.

        The comparison is based on the total length of the amounts. It is "consistent with equals", as defined by Comparable.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<Seconds>
        otherAmount - the other amount, not null
        the comparator value, negative if less, positive if greater
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object otherAmount)
        Checks if this amount is equal to the specified Seconds.

        The comparison is based on the total length of the durations.

        equals in class Object
        otherAmount - the other amount, null returns false
        true if the other amount is equal to this one
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        A hash code for this amount.
        hashCode in class Object
        a suitable hash code
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the number of seconds. This will be in the format 'PTnS' where n is the number of seconds.
        toString in class Object
        the number of seconds in ISO-8601 string format