UtcInstant |
UtcRules.convertToUtc(Instant instant) |
Converts an Instant to a UtcInstant .
abstract UtcInstant |
UtcRules.convertToUtc(TaiInstant taiInstant) |
Converts a TaiInstant to a UtcInstant .
UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.minus(Duration duration) |
Returns a copy of this instant with the specified duration subtracted.
static UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.of(Instant instant) |
Obtains an instance of UtcInstant from an Instant .
static UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.of(TaiInstant instant) |
Obtains an instance of UtcInstant from a TaiInstant .
static UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.ofModifiedJulianDay(long mjDay,
long nanoOfDay) |
Obtains an instance of UtcInstant from a Modified Julian Day with
a nanosecond fraction of day.
static UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.parse(CharSequence text) |
Obtains an instance of UtcInstant from a text string,
such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z .
UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.plus(Duration duration) |
Returns a copy of this instant with the specified duration added.
UtcInstant |
TaiInstant.toUtcInstant() |
Converts this instant to a UtcInstant .
UtcInstant |
TimeSource.utcInstant() |
Gets the current UtcInstant .
UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.withModifiedJulianDay(long mjDay) |
Returns a copy of this UtcInstant with the Modified Julian Day (MJD) altered.
UtcInstant |
UtcInstant.withNanoOfDay(long nanoOfDay) |
Returns a copy of this UtcInstant with the nano-of-day altered.