static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.between(Temporal startInclusive,
Temporal endExclusive) |
Obtains an instance consisting of the amount of time between two temporals.
static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.from(TemporalAmount amount) |
Obtains an instance from a temporal amount.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.minus(TemporalAmount amountToAdd) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount subtracted.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.multipliedBy(int scalar) |
Returns an instance with the amount multiplied by the specified scalar.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.negated() |
Returns an instance with the amount negated.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.normalizedStandardDays() |
Returns a copy of this instance with the days and duration normalized using the standard day of 24 hours.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.normalizedYears() |
Returns a copy of this instance with the years and months exactly normalized.
static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.of(Duration duration) |
Obtains an instance based on a duration.
static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.of(Period period) |
Obtains an instance based on a period.
static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.of(Period period,
Duration duration) |
Obtains an instance based on a period and duration.
static PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.parse(CharSequence text) |
Obtains an instance from a text string such as PnYnMnDTnHnMnS .
PeriodDuration | amountToAdd) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount added.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.withDuration(Duration duration) |
Returns a copy of this period-duration with a different duration.
PeriodDuration |
PeriodDuration.withPeriod(Period period) |
Returns a copy of this period-duration with a different period.