Months |
Months.abs() |
Returns a copy of this duration with a positive length.
static Months |
Months.between(Temporal startDateInclusive,
Temporal endDateExclusive) |
Obtains a Months consisting of the number of months between two dates.
Months |
Months.dividedBy(int divisor) |
Returns an instance with the amount divided by the specified divisor.
static Months |
Months.from(TemporalAmount amount) |
Obtains an instance of Months from a temporal amount.
Months |
Months.minus(int months) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified number of months subtracted.
Months |
Months.minus(TemporalAmount amountToSubtract) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount subtracted.
Months |
Months.multipliedBy(int scalar) |
Returns an instance with the amount multiplied by the specified scalar.
Months |
Months.negated() |
Returns an instance with the amount negated.
static Months |
Months.of(int months) |
Obtains a Months representing a number of months.
static Months |
Months.ofYears(int years) |
Obtains a Months representing the number of months
equivalent to a number of years.
static Months |
Months.parse(CharSequence text) |
Obtains a Months from a text string such as PnM .
Months | months) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified number of months added.
Months | amountToAdd) |
Returns a copy of this amount with the specified amount added.